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Sean Connor shows his model of the limousine that will be built for the musical number "I Can't Be Bothered Now".
Close up of the limousine model.
Sean Connor and his dad, Mike, start work on the limo.
Sean in front of the full size skeleton of the limo.
Sean in front of his finished Limo.
James "Hulksmash" Helms & Zach Thomas - Discuss where this door piece goes.
"Hulksmash" - is about to change his name to "Smashed". Zach Thomas saves him.
Techies discuss how this set piece will be attached to the platform.
Door frame goes up onto the platform. These set pieces will have to be disassembled to fit into the truck to go to competition.
Different angle - same set piece
Assembling the door frame to the platform.
Zach Thomas makes an example of Garfield.
If you won't stick to my van windows, you'll just have to hang around in the green room.
Melissa Dewey - They all like to use the drill.
Melissa Dewey & Sean DeHart work on a set piece.
Cassie paints a wall to look like concrete
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 Last Modified Sunday, November 17, 2002 1:04 AM

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